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1 December 2004 An Adaptive Management Framework for Linking Science and Management of Invasive Alien Plants
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The development of effective linkages between science and management centers on the smooth integration of three pillars serving common objectives. Science, monitoring, and management all play a role in the overall success of managing natural areas. Control of invasive alien species (IAS) has generally followed rigid principles, built on a foundation of developing mechanisms for re-active, physical control techniques. As the numbers of IAS continue to grow, predictions are needed to manage the most serious species only. This approach requires a management framework that allows ecosystem flux and thus acceptance of invasive species as part of ecosystem dynamics. The management system must allow change within an envelope of predefined limits of acceptable change but must effectively highlight points exceeding these limits. A suitable framework needs flexibility to incorporate new research and thinking in a manner that is fundamentally proactive in approach. This article elucidates the development of the Kruger National Park strategic adaptive management system, allowing for the development of a conceptual framework for exploring science and management links for invasive species management.

Additional index words: Strategic adaptive management, thresholds of potential concern.

Abbreviations: KNP, Kruger National Park; SAM, strategic adaptive management; TPC, threshold of potential concern.

LLEWELLYN C. FOXCROFT "An Adaptive Management Framework for Linking Science and Management of Invasive Alien Plants," Weed Technology 18(sp1), 1275-1277, (1 December 2004).[1275:AAMFFL]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 December 2004
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